Saturday, 12 March 2011

Earthquake Awareness

Some people believe that recent earthquakey events are related to the supposed end of the world in 2012. This is what I remember from Fifth Form Geography, and what I assume (with all my scientific knowledge) is going on.

The plates are pretty much moving all the time, and the Pacific plate is just doing some rolling over in it's eternal slumber, bumping into the smaller plates under Japan. Or maybe the smaller plates are shifting around. Maybe it's not the Pacific plate at all, but the Australian plate. I don't know. This is just my adorable guess.

...I hope this is right, or it'll be such a waste of time, wahhhh.


  1. Is it weird that I kind of feel sorry for the Pacific plate? ITSSOCUTE.

  2. Can I hug the Pacific Plate and tell it I forgive it?

  3. It's gonna make me look at my dinner plates with new respect and fear.
