Tuesday, 19 July 2011

So drawing harry potter is fun

I know this is the third harry potter post in a row but I'm almost certain there wont be a fourth. I'm going to CHCH this friday to hang out with LEON and hopefully we will have cool adventures that I can draw about, like visiting other Charlie while she works.

So I like listening to Stephen Fry when I'm interneting and then I started doodling stuff.

I was listening to Philosopher's stone and it's so much easier to listen to this than reading it yourself. I mean it's obviously a kids book and I've read it so often that when I try to read it I get bored and I skip bits and miss things:

"OUT!" roared Uncle Vernon, and he took both Harry and Dudley by the scruffs of their necks and threw them into the hall, slamming the kitchen door behind them. Harry and Dudley promptly had a furious but silent fight over who would listen at the keyhole; Dudley won, so Harry, his glasses dangling from one ear, lay flat on his stomach to listen at the crack between door and floor.

Seriously I'm pretty sure all I can think about right now is Harry Potter, today I got my blood tested to see how much testosterone I have so my doctor can send me my perscription for T (and then I can have a t party) and I come home and draw Harry Potter shit... Sorry - C

Oh by the way here is one more drawing:

Sunday, 17 July 2011

We went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II

This is how we dressed up: (we looked really, super cool, like ice, but even cooler  than that).

The Remus in the middle wasn't with us, but we were the first ones there and were lonely, so when he arrived by himself, we pounced on him and demanded photos. After that we weren't as shy and made lots of Potter Pals.

Charlie: I was super glad I'd brought my Hagrid Doll, I was pretty upset when, well, everyone died. I was a little self-conscience about my tears until I realised that Summer was sobbing. Summer didn't stop sobbing and I didn't know what to do.
Summer: It was the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life and I had to pretty much die so I sobbed audibly through the last half of the film. :'(

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Harry Potter is Awesome

When I was in primary school we had book week, on the Friday we all dressed up as book characters and walked through Highbury mall. This was a pretty big deal. I really wanted to impress every one and decided to go as the most bad ass book character ever... DOBBY!!!

Well, if I'm honest I just wore a piece of rectangular fabric my mum had sown into a dress and my hockey socks.

Well if I'm really honest I was the fat, ginger kid with ridiculous amounts of hair. I was practically Molly Weasley but with less offspring.

Everyone was in awe of my costume and I made heaps of friends. We would sit and talk about Harry Potter for ages. We would discuss what might happen in the fourth book, we played pretend games where we got sent to hogwarts. We were, in short, totally awesome.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

I feel Awesome

So this is just a bunch of drawings I did cause well I felt like it. It's about me getting the super power of being awesome, which I already have, I guess it's the power to make people notice my awesome-ness.

I did plan to draw a second part explaining Summers super power but then I got lazy and I'm on holiday from tomorrow so I'll have it ready for next monday (hopefully)... Here is a preview:

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Work is awkward.

So I have changed my name at work, and they try really hard to use my new name but sometimes they forget. So awkward moments like this happen.

This actually happened on saturday, seriously I was being all cool and calm when a lady remembered my old name but then my supervisor came up and totes made it awkward as. Oh well makes a hilarious story. - C

Saturday, 18 June 2011


So Charlie and I were in the Warehouse, and we found some massive wolf blankets, which were cool. And also thirty dollars.

But then we found cool dinosaur blankets that were fifteen dollars, and that seemed heaps more awesome, and also heaps more badass than the stupid wolf ones, pfft.
So we got one each.

Now we do cool stuff like this:

And this:

And then this:

And somehow we always end up on the floor.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


So over queens birthday weekend I went to KAZAM! It was a queer youth camp type thing and was pretty much awesome.

 I had heaps of things I wanted to draw from there like:

How I met my twin, his name is Leon and is a Hufflepuff and is awesome and lives down in CHCH so I send him letters and EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL!!!

This is my memory of going to see the strippers at Family on Saturday night. I'm short and couldn't see anything but that's ok I probably would have been terrified or something.

THEN I SAW XMEN ON MONDAY AND DREW THESE...  (It was more fun than drawing KAZAM stuff)

and this one I can't be bothered colouring 'cause I don't want to,

Anyway we actually should have another comic completed by friday, aren't you lucky :). - C

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

An appology

Yeah so I'm really sorry I haven't blogged anything in for ages...

I just tried draw things that I think would be funny and they turned out really, really bad.

I finally had some less shit drawings and decided to try and scan them to see if colour made them better but my scanner didn't like that idea.

Everything sucked so I had a cup of tea...

Here is a picture of Mr Batfarquar I drew on paint to make up for this:

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Why I suck at having money

It was really cold this week,  probably like <10 degrees not that it matters just trust me it was really really cold. 

Yesterday some customer dropped a 24 box of beer in the walk in beer fridge, I spent ages kneeling in puddle of beer while trying to mop it up with a roll of paper towels. My hands went numb and I smelt like an alcoholic, it was so bad I got my break after I finished as some sort of apology.

Anyway if anyone asks why I ordered two Hooded blankets I'll probably blame the fact it is almost winter and being snuggly and warm is nicer than being cold and smelly. Probably wont mention I'm hoping to have a wizard duel with my friend.


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Name Change

Hey look we got a new comic up.  Any who, during this time when I wasn't comicing I got my name changed officially. This is based on a conversation I had with my mum after the new birth certificate arrived. 

My Mum  was annoyed that I picked Charles to be my name rather than Charlie. I under stand what she was saying about it being unisex and easier BUT I don't want to be Charlie when I'm old, and I'm not paying to change my name again.

Sorry about not updating, I will hopefully get one done for friday and monday and not be late.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


This is something that a tutor of mine said (in a much nicer way).

Do you get it? Because it's impacting his face.

This is not the awesome thing I've been working on. Honestly, I have only been doing honest work in my noggin at this point, but STILL. Know that something awesome is festering in there, and will shoot you in the face soonish. But not too soon. Don't want to get your hopes up.

The Gun thing also totally happened.


Friday, 1 April 2011

Hotting up

So we haven't posted in ages. We're working on something hopefully good, but it's not quite done. So here is something to tide you over. Alice. ;]

It's about burning ants with magnifying glasses. Cool right. I'm impressed by my own mediocrity. Well. Charlies mediocrity. I haven't been working on anything, so he's a step ahead of me. Yaaaay.

Be impressed.

Monday, 21 March 2011


This is actually a true True Story. Ask anyone from our Geography Class. IT TOTALLY HAPPENED.
Back story:

We were on Geography camp, and someone said to Mac "Sup, Homie." So Mac said "I'm not a homo and I'm not homophobic either I quite like homosexual men, they are very polite":

And that is why Mac loves Gays. They give him tea.

This is a class favourite, because it's obviously just the coolest thing that has ever happened to anyone, and that is why you should also love it. It is amazing. Honest.

Friday, 18 March 2011

St Patrick's Day

Once again based on a true story:

So it was St Patrick's Day and Parjoo decided to wear this humorous shirt. Mac was so pissed off. He hates T-shirts with 'witty' sayings on them. Cabinet monster was there and loved it.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Mana Wars

In history we learned about Mana and Tapu. We feel that the below example is an appropriate learning resource.

This is a modernized version. We're so impressed with ourselves. Like for real.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Earthquake Awareness

Some people believe that recent earthquakey events are related to the supposed end of the world in 2012. This is what I remember from Fifth Form Geography, and what I assume (with all my scientific knowledge) is going on.

The plates are pretty much moving all the time, and the Pacific plate is just doing some rolling over in it's eternal slumber, bumping into the smaller plates under Japan. Or maybe the smaller plates are shifting around. Maybe it's not the Pacific plate at all, but the Australian plate. I don't know. This is just my adorable guess.

...I hope this is right, or it'll be such a waste of time, wahhhh.