Thursday, 21 April 2011

Why I suck at having money

It was really cold this week,  probably like <10 degrees not that it matters just trust me it was really really cold. 

Yesterday some customer dropped a 24 box of beer in the walk in beer fridge, I spent ages kneeling in puddle of beer while trying to mop it up with a roll of paper towels. My hands went numb and I smelt like an alcoholic, it was so bad I got my break after I finished as some sort of apology.

Anyway if anyone asks why I ordered two Hooded blankets I'll probably blame the fact it is almost winter and being snuggly and warm is nicer than being cold and smelly. Probably wont mention I'm hoping to have a wizard duel with my friend.


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Name Change

Hey look we got a new comic up.  Any who, during this time when I wasn't comicing I got my name changed officially. This is based on a conversation I had with my mum after the new birth certificate arrived. 

My Mum  was annoyed that I picked Charles to be my name rather than Charlie. I under stand what she was saying about it being unisex and easier BUT I don't want to be Charlie when I'm old, and I'm not paying to change my name again.

Sorry about not updating, I will hopefully get one done for friday and monday and not be late.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


This is something that a tutor of mine said (in a much nicer way).

Do you get it? Because it's impacting his face.

This is not the awesome thing I've been working on. Honestly, I have only been doing honest work in my noggin at this point, but STILL. Know that something awesome is festering in there, and will shoot you in the face soonish. But not too soon. Don't want to get your hopes up.

The Gun thing also totally happened.


Friday, 1 April 2011

Hotting up

So we haven't posted in ages. We're working on something hopefully good, but it's not quite done. So here is something to tide you over. Alice. ;]

It's about burning ants with magnifying glasses. Cool right. I'm impressed by my own mediocrity. Well. Charlies mediocrity. I haven't been working on anything, so he's a step ahead of me. Yaaaay.

Be impressed.